3-7-2025 It never fails. It ALWAYS gives me a thrill every Spring when my first seedlings begin to emerge from their deep winter sleep. Oddly enough, no matter the weather, my seedlings begin to pop within a day or two of March 4th. The thrill is that this ground-breaking event marks the official beginning of yet another iris season. What glorious surprises will this year's seedling bring to me? That's what we will soon find out!
1-28-2025 Close enough! I will begin processing new orders on February first.... but you can send yours now. Three, wonderful, fresh and interesting TB intros for this year. I have everything in stock that I have ever introduced ... but under 3" of snow.
1-9-2025 Hi folks, I am hard at work on all of the details of my 3 new TB intros for 2025. I will let you know when my '25 order book is open.
12-5-2024 Iris seeds got planted a little earlier this year. I usually aim for Thanksgiving. Now the December rains and frost nights have arrived to ENHANCE spring seed germination. The calm gives me time to catch up on some of the things that should have been done a long time ago.
8-14-2024 AIS voting: Tijuana Taxi 8th most Dykes Medal votes, Arizona Cave Painting AM, Chinese Lantern Factory AM, None Of Your Beeswax HM. Not bad for only introducing 3 iris per year. THANK YOU AIS JUDGES!
7-21-2024 My order book is now closed for this year. Now the SERIOUS work begins ..... digging, dividing, shipping and re-planting rhizomes. Quite frankly the amount of serious hard work required is most likely the single biggest reason why there are so few long-term iris growers .... but the few persist for the benefit of the many,
6-22-2024 The window on this iris season is closing fast. Last day to have your order in my hands is July 20, 2024. All of my present and past introductions are still in stock. At the moment. only my 2024 introductions are sold out. Include your gift suggestions.
5-30-2024 Great recent event turnout. Thereafter I drove to Salem and spent 3 whole days in all of the important gardens there. I studied what breeding lines the hybridizers there are working on .... so that I can continue to work in my own directions to get my 20% different flowers. Time well spent. I think I finally made my last cross today. At this late stage, I paradoxically hope for two opposite results .... that many don't 'take" because of all the work that follows. And, that some of my 'dream' crosses set seed.
5-12-24 Everything is still a go for our annual open-garden event on Sunday May, 19th from 11AM - 4PM.
5-4-2024 The iris have spoken! Our annual open-garden event will be held Sunday May, 19th from 11AM - 4PM. (This is the only place where you will see this notification.) We expect to have a very nice bloom.
Questions? grapeorbit@gmail.com 200 potted iris .... $10 ea. or 3 for 25. I can always use your 1-gal black nursery cans for next year.
Bring your gardening questions, a friend and a smile.
4-5-2024 Yes, we are planning to hold our annual open-garden event again this year. As usual, it will be on a Sunday in late May. Two weeks before the event I will post the actual date right here. So watch this space. (This is the only place that you will see a notification.)
3-10-2024 SOLD OUT!!! My 2024 intros are now sold out .... Annie's Coconut Cream Pie, My Name Is Button and Live Long And Prosper. But everything else on my website is presently well stocked.
2-24-2024 Opps! The name 'Resistance Is Futile' was already reserved. So this one will now go by 'Live Long And Prosper' which I like better.
2-1-2024 I'm excited ... are you? My order book for the current year is now open! I have posted my 3 new TB introductions for 2024. I hope you enjoy them. They are: ANNIE'S COCONUT CREAM PIE (a gorgeous addition to the rare cream color class), MY NAME IS BUTTON (the name of our beloved rescue dog) and RESISTANCE IS FUTILE (a seriously updated PHASERS ON STUN) .... that got so much national attention last year.
*** I am now including bonus iris with all orders .... so include your wish list. I have been doing this for some time, but now it's official!
1-2-2024 It's the new iris year! There have always been REMARKABLE and EXCITING new iris to see among my seedlings and in the other hybridizer's gardens. My ordering book will open February first. I hope to have my 3 new TB intros up on that date as well.
11-25-2023 Eighty-six .... that's the magic number this year of the different crosses that I got. No more than 16 seeds of each cross were planted in 4" pots just before Thanksgiving. For various reasons, I'll average "seeing" 10 sibs from each cross. If I get something very good from a cross, I'll go back and plant any remaining seed. If there is nothing of interest from that group, there is little reason to plant the remainder .... which are nevertheless stored.
8-19-2023 Our American Iris Society winners for '23
Honorable Mention .... awarded to one out of every 10 introductions: APRON STRINGS and BUTTERFLY SKIES
Award of Merit .... awarded to one out of every 100 introductions: BIG HAT NO COWS, FLORENCE MY PET FLAMINGO, PHASERS ON STUN, and TROPICAL FRUIT SALAD.
Not bad for only introducing 2 or 3 iris per year. Thank you AIS judges!
7-5-2023 The window on this iris season is closing fast. Last day to have your order in my hands is July 20, 2023. All of my present and past introductions are in still in stock.
6-19-2023 I did want to record this observation before time slips further away. 2023 was a year of EXTREME winter weather. Record snow (4.5 feet) plus record cold for an extended period of time. I was actually snowed-in for two weeks. Normally, iris don't care. Come spring, two things were noted. Flower COLOR was frequently "off" and the number of INCREASE was down.
6-12-2023 Not much time!!! The window on this iris season is closing fast. Last day to have your order in my hands is July 20, 2023. All of my present and past introductions are in still in stock.
Both the annual open garden event and the Region 14 Spring Trek were a big success with about 80 people attending each. With bloom season (fun season), now over, the serious work begins.
5-19-2023 Yup! The annual open garden event is still a go. 11 to 4 PM. The iris look great and will be a little ahead of peak bloom.
5-9-2023 The iris have finally spoken. The annual open-garden event will be held Sunday May 21st from 11 A.M. to 4 P.M. (This is the only place that you will see a notification.) Bring yourself, a friend, gardening questions and a smile.
Questions? grapeorbit@gmail.com 140 potted iris .... $10 ea. or 3 for 25. I always need your 1 gal nursery cans for next year.
Our goal has always been to inspire others to garden. If we can do it, you can too!
4-24-2023 Yes, I will have my annual open-garden event this year. The date will be set when the flowers tell me when to have it. I'm guessing May 21st. But watch right here on my web site for the actual date.
4-9-2023 Had a great time in Dallas at the National Iris Convention where TIJUANA TAXI was awarded the Wister Medal, the second highest award in the iris world. Thank you judges.
3-23-2023 What a weather year! We have had a historic amount of rain, snow and cold …. almost continually since a little after Thanksgiving. Whereas a big snowfall might have been 12 inches, this year we got 4 to 5 feet at once. We were actually snowed-in for 14 days and only got out with the help of my neighbors caterpillar. So this year will be a good test of the hardiness of my iris. Current report? So far, so good!
2-1-2023 Well the day that some have waited for has finally arrived. My 3 TB intros for 2023 are now posted: LOUISIANA HOT SAUCE, TODAY'S SPECIAL RAINBOW MOCHA and CRANBERRY COUNTY FAIR. Enjoy!
1-5-2023 Hello folks. I’m currently making final preparations for the new iris year. I will begin accepting orders on 2-1-2023.
There will be 3 new and exciting TB introductions for 2023 ….. coming soon.
Unfortunately due to the price increases that we are all seeing everywhere, I’m reluctantly forced to raise my uniform price somewhat. (Fertilizer up 100% elec up 80%). To help compensate, all orders will contain one or more extras.
11-16-2022 Where has the time gone? And, why can't I catch up with the things that I know that I must do? PRORTIZE and SIMPLIFY .... where ever possible!
One way to SIMPLIFY the maintenance of my iris collection is to shovel prune the oversized clumps. Imagine the clump is a big, 8 piece pizza. With a sharp shovel, completely remove every other piece. In no time at all, the "open spaces" will "fill in" with new, freshly-grown, healthier rhizomes. I can shovel prune 10 clumps in less time that it takes to completely dig, divide and reset a single large clump.
7-27-2022 There is a major wildfire in my immediate area. NOT TO WORRY! Over the years, I have made my property extremely fire safe. Actually I have created a "fire safety island" that threatened firefighters would come to. We refused the order to evacuate and have gone about tending our iris!
7-21-2022 With my order book for ‘22 now closed, the serious grunt work now begins.
One observation from a year of highly unusual weather: Just because a cultivar is suddenly re-blooming does not make it a rebloomer. I have never seen as many cultivars sending up out-of-season stalks as this year. But I’m not foolish enough to begin thinking any of them are true rebloomers!
7-2-2022 Not much time!!! The window on this iris season is closing fast. Last day to have your order in my hands is July 20, 2022. All of my present and past introductions are in still in stock.
5-28-2022 Our recent “Open-Garden” event and “Judges Training” session were well attended and quite successful. For the first, we may have had 100+ “locals” come and enjoy peak iris bloom. And we had 11 for the Judges Training …. with lots of positive interaction.
5-16-22 The iris judges training is still on for Saturday May, 21st at 12:00 noon. The weather should be fine and I still have plenty of iris in bloom. The Yosemite Iris Society will also me here for their annual visit.
5-15-22 The weather has improved so the open-garden event for Sunday May 15th is still a go.
During this annual event, I only sell iris from OTHER HYBRIDIZERS at the lower price. But none of my own, high-priced introductions are ever part of this sale. Sorry. Creating my own flowers is just too time consuming and expensive of a process to offer them at a discount.
5-6-2022 THE IRIS HAVE DECIDED! We will hold our annual open-garden event Sunday May 15th from 11 A.M to 4 P.M. One-gallon iris will be $10 ea. or 3 for $25. From this year forward, to find out about this event, you will have to consult my website: mariposairis.com At almost 73, I am downsizing and simplifying.
4-4-2022 As of now, I am expecting to hold my annual open-garden event either Sunday May 15th or Sunday May 22nd … 11A.M. - 4P.M. …. depending on the iris bloom etc. You may or may not get an e-mail reminder. Going forward, you will have to consult my website for event updates: mariposairis.com As you can see, my plan is to downsize and simplify things.
3-25-2022 When does the “iris season” begin for you? Would it be January first of the new year, the arrival of a certain annual iris catalog, or the day you witness the opening of the season's first iris bloom? As an avid iris hybridizer, “iris season” always begins for me when the very first iris seeds begin to germinate. Could that little green thing be a weed? A single new iris plant will have the appearance of a pair of tiny rabbit ears.
Depending on the winter, the above special event takes place sometime in the month of March in my zone 7. I’m pleased to report that although a little late, I’m saw my first pair of green rabbit ears this week.
Here is a little tip. You want your new seedlings to get off to a running start. The larger and more robust they are at planting time, the better the odds are of getting a healthy bloom stalk on a one-year plant. So I always give every seed container a dose of fertilizer at this time as well.
1-30-2022 I am very pleased to report that my 3 new TB introductions are up on my website. All 3 flowers are quite remarkable and quite different from one another. I’m a guy that likes variety in iris. Actually, I want one of EVERYTHING.
Even with inflation, I have held the line on my prices this year. There is a good chance that next year will be different. I give to you 2 rhizomes of the same variety for $65. To the best of my knowledge, no one else doubles your order. As always, you comments on the 2022 intros are always welcomed.
1-18-2022 Hi folks! It’s time for an update. At the moment I am working on my website update for 2022. I’m a slow writer, so it takes me a while to finalize the text for my new introductions.
This year, I will be introducing 3 new TB’s. All are quite spectacular and all are quite different from one another. IMO, they are all great. And quite honestly, I don’t have a single favorite among them. So, as they used to say in the old days of TV …. Stay tuned!
10-1-2021 People don't realize how drought tolerant iris are. So feel free to treat them like a cactus and not a rose. We have not had a significant rain in two years and I still ONLY WATER new seedlings. Secrets? 1. Weeds suck moisture, so I eliminate them quickly. 2. I mulch with wood chips. But, to avoid rot on TB's in particular, on February first, no matter the weather .... pull the mulch back by 4 to 6 inches.
8-25-2021 Almost all of our contenders moved-up in the AIS award system. TIJUANA TAXI runner-up Wister medal, BABY DUCK AM, ZEBRA BUTTER runner-up AM, FLORENCE MY PET FLAMINGO HM, GLADIATORS GET OUCHIES HM, APRON STRINGS runner-up HM. Thank you AIS judges for the recognition!
8-7-2021 When does the "iris year" actually begin? We all might have a different answer. For me it's just after the orders have been shipped and I've begun to replant for next year. Replanting time forces the hybridizer to think and plan for next year. So mentally, you're already in "next year."
7-29-2021 Your waiting is almost over! Yesterday, Wednesday July 28th .... virtually all 2021 iris orders were shipped. Good growing!
7-20-2021 Sorry, my order book is now closed for the season. Now the grunt work of digging, shipping and replanting begins.
7-8-2021 Not much time!!! The window on this iris season is closing fast. Last day to have your order in my hands is July 20, 2021. All of my present and past introductions are in still in stock with the lone exception of GLADIATORS GET OUCHIES.
Happy birthday to me. I'm 72 today and still going strong in iris. But for how much longer he askes?
6-24-2021 Sold out on this one only: GLADIATORS GET OUCHIES
6-9-2021 We had a fantastic bloom season, but the early heat made it a bit short. No late frosts this year and since it was so dry ... no leaf spot whatsoever.
I did manage to make a Salem area trip this year to the iris gardens with my wife .... like a second honeymoon. Among other things, I'm happy to report that I did not see any iris that are remotely similar to the lines that I am developing. More EXCEPTIONAL things are coming in 2022.
Back at home, I still have everything in stock that is pictured on my website. Like everyone else, I hate to set my mind on getting a particular flower and then finding out that it is sold out. Consequently, I always build up plenty of stock before offering it to the public. So, there it is......
5-3-2021 MY MISTAKE. The Annual Open-Garden Event will be held Sunday, May 9th (and not May 8th). I put the wrong date on the invitations. The hours are 11A.M. to 4 P.M. Should have a great bloom and near perfect weather. This is the first mistake that I made all day. But at almost 72, there will be more! Isn't gettin' old fun?
4-25-2021 In case you were wondering, YES we do plan to hold our annual Open Garden event again this year. Some things will change but most will be the same. We will not be taking orders for iris, but will have around 180 potted iris on hand. Of course, the purpose of the event is to share our love of gardening and not to make money. Just come, have fun and enjoy the gardens.
The event is always held on a Sunday. The exact day that it is held is determined by the advancement of the iris bloom. As of now, it looks like May 16th … but who can predict the weather. If you are on my mailing list, I will send out a reminder 10 days to 2 weeks before the big day. Otherwise, I will post the date right here … on my web site.
4-20-2021 Seed germination was a bit late this year with the germination rate about normal. In the garden, my FIRST seedlings of the new year have just begun to open. Within this first group of children, I’m seeing something that is both quite UNUSUAL and remarkably GOOD: a cream-blend ameona. (Snow white over a beautiful mixture of cream colors.) In the world of iris, cream is actually a very unusual color. This one also comes with ultra-modern form, huge ruffles and a tangerine-red beard. Everyone loves it. Along with the other “keepers” for 2021, it will now be studied for a number of years to see if it measures up to my high standards.
Orders are also brisk this year.
2-14-2021 Well, the annual task of updating my website with the new introductions has now been completed. I usually find a couple of typos once my thinking clears. I have really enjoyed shepherding these 3 seedling from maiden bloom to the point of introduction. All three are BEAUTIFUL and they are all DIFFERENT. I hope you love them half as much as I do! Seed begins to germinate in March .... which starts the rewarding process all over again.
2-4-2021 Many setbacks this year. (Who didn't experience the same?) So I'm a bit late on getting out the information on my 3 new TB's for 2021. Their names? BUTTERMILK AND BLUE CHEESE, ARKENSTONE and KEEP CALM GROW IRIS. Sending out the copy to my webmaster this evening. So you should be able to view them in a week or so. I think you'll love them and their stories.
8-12-2020 For a hybridizer/businessman like myself, there is always one day that you look forward to in the heat of the summer …. the day that you have COMPLETED two big and important tasks …. getting out the last SHIPMENT and finishing the REPLANTING of next year’s stock. Hallelujah! That day arrived for me today …. and what a relief it is.
This year was a bit different with a new challenge …. Actually 4 new challenges. We are raising 4 new rambunctious kittens.
Till up a new bed and they immediately use it for potty box. Plant a row of rhizomes and they consider it great fun to knock half of them over. Carefully place an plant ID tag in it’s proper position and they move it to THEIR preferred location. Now you can get angry or you can see the joy in all of this. This year, I only saw the joy.
7-7-2020 Not much time!!! The window on this iris season is closing fast. Last day to have your order in my hands is July 20, 2020. All of my present and past introductions are in still in stock.
7-5-2020 We hybridizers often have to kiss a lot of frogs to find the prince. So in 2020, I planted 889 frogs (seedlings).
6-14-2020 The fact that the Covid-19 Virus targets the oldest generation might cause you to re-think some of your spending habits. Believe me, the fact that I sell expensive iris has nothing to do with what follows.
Here is my thinking. Wouldn’t it be a pity if you longed to own a couple of expensive things, had the money, but just didn’t allow yourself the joy of ownership before the virus planted you UNDER your iris?
My own father was a rather simple, depression-era man. He only had two material wishes in life; to own a small boat that he cold fish from and to have an above-ground swimming pool. These were not particularly expensive wishes. Yet when he passed away from cancer, he had banked enough money to do both things 10 times over. So my greatest sadness was that he had sacrificed so much but had rewarded himself so little.
Is it time to grant yourself a couple of your wishes while you still can?
6-1-2020 IT LOOKS LIKE A WELL GROWN LAWN. What? All of this year's seedlings that are waiting to be planted out.
The beds are ready. Now I just need to get off my duff!
5-20-2020 Great turnout for our 4 open-garden events. Lots of people enjoying the iris and gardens ... and just getting out. But now it's over and the more serious iris work has begun .... Like planting hundreds of seedlings and making difficult choices of what goes and what has earned another year.
5-9-2020 We have had a big and happy turnout for the past two days. Several saw the gardens for the first time. So, we will re-open the garden again next Friday, May 15th and Saturday May 16th ..... both days from noon until 4 P.M. See you then!!
5-3-2020 Instead of the usual iris "fundraiser", the gardens will be open on Friday May 8th from noon til 4 PM and Saturday May 9th from noon til 4 PM. Anyone will be welcome to come and enjoy the flowers at these designated times. I also expect to have at least 2 additional “open” days in the near future. Those dates and times will be posted "right here" on my website homepage.
3-31-2020 As a very dedicated iris hybridizer, I tend to view things a little differently from the average Irisarians. What do you consider the BEGINNING of the iris year? For many it could be the arrival of your first iris catalog of the new year. For someone else, it’s the opening of your first iris bloom.
But for me, it is a VERY SMALL development that ever-so-slowly becomes a VERY IMPORTANT AFFAIR …. the emergence of my very first seedling from the previous years’ seed crop. That first pair of little, green “bunny ears” emerging from virgin potting soil …. always warms my heart and stirs my expectations.
It won’t long now. The totality of seed containers will soon take on the appearance of a beautifully manicured lawn. They’ll be fertilized and carefully nurtured right up until those fully grown bunny-ears finally graduate to their own seedling bed.
7-24-2019 So the magic number for this year is 700. This is the number of new seedling that I recently planted. If the past is predictive, about 650 will bloom in the spring of 2020. I might initially select only 25 out of a group that size. Half of those will be discarded in year 2. How do I get such ground breaking results out of this few seedlings?
While I attempt to produce a lot of seed from any one cross, I still only plant a maximum of 16 seeds from any one cross (and save the remainder). Germination is always iffy but averages 10 of the 16. With 10 to look at, I figure that I will get a pretty good look at the potential of that cross. Perhaps only 2 or 3 crosses out of 100 will give you something incredible. So the challenge is to find the superstars ASAP.
Do the math. If you had limited space and time …. Would you rather plant 100 seeds from one cross. Or 10 seeds from 10 crosses? If you need help with this answer, don’t call me …. you need more help than I can give you.
7-7-2019 Not much time!!! The window on this iris season is closing fast. Last day to have your order in my hands is August 1,2019. All of my present and past introductions are in still in stock.
The new creations I am seeing in my seedling beds continue to exceed even my own high expectations.
5-18-2019 Peak iris season is NOW HERE. So, rain or shine, our 20th annual open-garden and iris fundraiser will be Sunday May 19th from 11AM to 4 PM.
3-14-2019 I’ll be attending …. the much anticipated 2019 AIS Convention in San Ramon. I’m already anxious to see and do everything that the Convention has to offer: garden tours, “sectional” programs, renewing “old” and making “new” friendships, judges trainings, boutique and 10 more exciting things! If you like or even dislike what Mariposa Iris and my Iris From the Future are doing …. this is your opportunity to let me know. Let's chat!
2-28-2019 TIJUANA TAXI attained the Symposium list .... yet was only a 2014 intro. Our first!
1-15-2019 Here they are! My two new beautiful and exciting intros for 2019 …. APRON STRINGS and BUTTERFLY SKIES. I think you will find the pictures and text very interesting. With that, my 2019 order book is now open.
1-8-2019 Here comes the new iris year! Under the heading of “Late But Worth Noting” is that I routinely plant my iris seed mid-November … and never later than Thanksgiving. How deep? I ran a small experiment that went like this. I had been planting seed at only one-half inch deep with satisfactory results. In the experiment, I significantly increased the depth to 1.5 inches deep. SAME RESULT! Near identical germination. So this year, I compromised and planted all of the seed at one inch deep. Since I routinely get plenty of rain and cold, I do not pre-treat the iris seed in any way.
At this minute, I am working on the text for my two new TB introductions. I always target completing the entire task by the end of January.
7-10-2018 Not much time!!! The window on this iris season is closing. Last day to have your order in my hands is August 1,2018.
5-13-2018 Regional results held May 11-13 for our iris. Thank you judges!
Best seedling entry in the flower show: #0601 Best in-region TB: BABY DUCK, 3rd place JELLY BEAN PARADE
Best guest garden seedling: 2nd place #0535 (Mega), 3rd #0577. Best 2018 intro: 2nd FLORENCE MY PET FLAMINGO, 3rd GLADIATORS GET OUCHIES
5-16-2018 Evidently a lot of iris dealers run out of stock during the ordering season. Consequently, I get a lot of inquires as to availability. My answer is always the same. All of my website offerings are still in stock and are expected to remain that way right up until the season cut-off day.
Last day to order iris from Mariposa Iris is August 1,2018.
5-4-2018 Event Update:
May 11 - 13 Region 14 Spring Trek. I have one of the two guest gardens for those that have registered for this event. The bloom will be somewhat ahead of peak bloom.
Sunday May 20 from 11 A.M - 4 P.M. Annual iris Fundraiser! I’ve been holding this much-anticipated event since 2000 …. 18 years !
3-7-2018 My 3-page article, “Two Hybridizing Advancements: One Intentional, One Accidental” was published in the Winter 2018 issue of Irises …. Pages 16-18.
My hope is that hybridizers will utilize these two discoveries in their own gardens. The result should be more pods set on the more difficult plants. And the final result of that will be to advance the kingdom of iris with flowers that otherwise would not have been created.
2-8-2018 I have been a bit slow this year, but my two new introductions are finally up on my website. FLORENCE MY PET FLAMINGO and GLADIATORS GET OUCHIES are wonderful flowers. These two bring breeding advancements to the kingdom of iris. And, as you would guess, both have very interesting stories to help explain their unusual names.
12-2-2017 Two nice trophies arrived in the mail today. Thank you region 14!
Cotillion Bowl for 2017: Best 2017 Intro by a R14 Hybridizer … TROPICAL FRUIT SALAD
Knopf Cup for 2017: Best Seedling: #0540 (will be introduced in 2018 as FLORENCE MY PET FLAMINGO)
11-4-2017 If you purchased iris during our annual fundraiser, pick-up week is Tuesday November 7th through Saturday, November 11th. Our hours are 10 A.M. to 5 P.M.
The gardens will also be open so bring your gardening questions and a friend.
8-17-2017 It’s mid-summer in California and we are approximately in the middle of what I call “dust season”. Being from the mid-west (Toledo, Ohio area), my biggest complaint “out here” is the length of “dust season” …. it’s too darn long!
But the bight side of this is that a well established clump of iris DON’T CARE. Iris are EXTREMELY drought tolerant …. far more than the average Irisarians believes. It normally doesn’t rain for 6 months at my location and I virtually never water established clumps. They don’t care. Without water, they just go into a natural summer dormancy.
7-23-2017 There was a recent, major fire event in the Mariposa area that got national attention. The fire was confined to the south and west portions of the county, while I live on the opposite side of the county. So, MARIPOSA IRIS was relatively un-affected. We did however, receive many positive and appreciated comments from our iris friends. Thanks.
I supervised prisoner firefighting hand crews for 25 years. So I am very aware of how to fireproof my surroundings ….. which I have done. If you hear the two key words …. MARIPOSA and FIRE …. in the future, you can be pretty sure that I’ll be just fine.
Superstition Iris Gardens is located close to the southern fire perimeter, but they were also un-affected. Their property is also quite fire safe compared to the average Mariposa address.
7-17-2017 Yes, you are correct. It’s been too long since I have added any new discussion to my web site. I’ll do something fairly quickly. (The Iowa Convention was great fun!)
In the mean time, let me only announce that the last day to order iris is 8-15-2017.
5-23-2017 Both the Annual Iris Fundraiser and Judges Training were big successes this year. Over the 2 day period there were perhaps 200 happy people for both events. The bloom was right at peak.
Now I’m off to Iowa to attend the National Convention to rub elbows with Irisarians from all over the country …. and a few from other countries as well!
5-5-2017 Yes! The annual fundraiser will be Sunday May 21st from 11am to 4pm. See you then!
4-29-2017 While not yet official, my iris field is telling me that our HIGHLY POPULAR iris fundraiser will most likely be held Sunday May 21st. When the date is set in stone, I will let you know right here.
Also, we are hosting a Region 14 judges training on Saturday May 20th at noon.
4-28-2017 My wife and I just returned from the Region 14 Spring Meeting where we were awarded two firsts and a second place out of 160 iris submitted.
1. TROPICAL FRUIT SALAD …. best 2017 introduction by a Region 14 hybridizer
2. #0540 …… best seedling by a Region 14 hybridizer …. (2018 intro?)
3. JELLY BEAN PARADE …. Second best introduction prior to 2017 by a Region 14 hybridizer.
Many thanks to the judges!!
2-27-2017 At the moment, I have to keep reminding myself that the iris don’t care. As I sit here today, in the middle of a late February afternoon, it’s 30 degrees and dumping snow. We are experiencing a very long, cold, & extremely-wet winter.
But for the serious hybridizer, there is a silver lining to the bad weather …. it sorts out the strong from the weak in the seedling beds. So I find it more correct to say: the good iris don’t care.
A good iris will put on a great show …. regardless of the winter weather and I'm thankful for it!
1-29-2017 In case you didn’t notice, my two new 2017 introductions are now on the web page. TROPICAL FRUIT SALAD and ZEBRA BUTTER are exciting flowers that easily meet my rigid criteria of being 20% Better or 20% Different. Yes, both are also Good Growers and both have a high degree of Curb Appeal.
As usual, there is considerable text for each intro. I always attempt to tell the Irisarians every detail that there is to know about the flower to help take the “guesswork” out of selection. From the numerous comments that I hear, people love the text and love the names that I use. Is there anything else that you like that I do???
10-31-2016 Announcing IRIS PICK-UP WEEK! If you bought iris during the Spring Fundraiser …. It’s almost time to come and pick up your new iris children.
PICK-UP WEEK starts Monday Nov. 7th and ends Friday Nov. 11th. Hours are 10AM - 5PM.
10-13-2016 Whenever I see a competitor to any of my proposed introduction seedlings, I always do an extremely careful and intense evaluation to determine WHICH FLOWER is the better.... and by how much. While doing the evaluation, I’m perfectly honest with myself about my own seedlings. If the other flower is better, I’ll say so, congratulate the hybridizer and then discard or archive my own flower. I have done this with a few of my re-selects, but so far .... I’ve yet to see any of my own introductions get displaced by a recent and better introduction by another hybridizer ….(which is bound to happen sooner or later.)
Another way of saying this is that I have never introduced a flower that I now regret introducing.
8-17-2016 Digging, dividing and re-planting time is when our industry separates the men from the boys and the dreamers from the realists. This is when you find out who the “real” iris growers are.
Almost anyone can entertain visions of becoming an iris grower in the middle of spring bloom season. But the real work, …. the serious heavy-lifting …..is done in the depth of summer. This is when your shovel bounces off the bone dry ground, sweat starts to flow into your eyes at 9 a.m. and that “big clump” of one of your favorite iris, is no longer an asset …. but a huge liability.
Spring is enjoyment-season. Summer is work-season. Are you up to it?
7-29-2016 Time to start re-planting my stock so that it will be well sized-up for next year. Can’t have too many operations going on at once. So, the last day to order for 2016 is August 15th. (Yes, I still have everything in stock.)
6-23-2016 It’s time to start thinking about finalizing your iris purchases for this year. “Digging Season” is very soon to come.
6-12-2016 The last time we experienced mail theft was about 10 years ago. Well, everyone in our neighborhood experienced mail theft on June 10th and 11th.
If anyone happened to send in an order in this timeframe, know that I always acknowledge iris orders in one or two days by e-mail (if have your address) or by using conventional mail. So, if you don’t hear from me, I didn’t get it. Sorry for any inconvenience that this may have caused.
6-2-2016 It was a very exciting and splendid year in the new seedling patch! There were many new patterns, colors and color combinations to be seen. Several of the seedlings were more beautiful and interesting than anything that I could imagine.
Where to from here? In the first year, you look for everything that you LIKE about the seedling. In subsequent years, you look for everything that you DON‘T LIKE.
The serious “evaluation period” now starts as I look for the inferior qualities that were minimized in selecting the maiden seedling. If the past is a guide, many won’t make it to the final finish line. But those that do will be deserving of eventual introduction as yet another Iris From The Future.
5-9-2016 We had a very large turnout for both the Judges Training and the Iris Fundraiser. With the flowers in peak bloom, there were smiles and flowers everywhere in abundance. Thank you to everyone that came and especially my garden volunteers.
5-6-2016 The weather is plenty good enough and the bloom is spectacular. So YES on the May 7th Judges Training. And YES on the Iris Fundraiser May 8th.
4-1-2016 Hey! The day that several have been anxiously waiting for has finally arrived. As of today, all of my introductions are now available for ordering including TIJUANA TAXI and WHY COWS GOSSIP (Why do they gossip?) Click on the flower and then read the text.
3-14-2016 The weather has been good and my iris are now sending up plenty of increase. Consequently, the SOLD OUT signs will be removed from TIJUANA TAXI and WHY COWS GOSSIP on April 1,2016 (a little more than two weeks from now.)
There has been a great deal of interest in these two stellar Iris From The Future. They were the two big, TB, Out Of Region winners at Portland last year and each deservingly got several mentions in our fall and winter Irises Bulletin.
3-2-2016 NOW IS THE TIME …. To pull back mulch, weed and fertilize your iris. (Actually it’s a little on the “late” side for the warmer climatic zones.) I create a 6 or 8 inch wide “no mans land” around each plant. The trick is to do the above just a little BEFORE the new, tender spring growth (increase) begins to emerge. This new growth is what will develop into your bloom stalks and increase. So you need to be extra careful not to injure these particular, tender parts of the plant.
Doing the above in February-March when cold, frosts and snow are still yet to come, will seem way too early. Well, it’s not! And that is from the voice of experience.
1-21-2016 It’s done! My website has recently been updated for 2016. I will be offering two remarkable TB’s this year. BIG HAT NO COWS (improved Edith Wolford colors) and BABY DUCK (second best seedling at Portland).
I had expected to introduce a third iris TB. Everything about it seemed to be a go, but then it failed it's final test. An extremely colorful flower, #0467 performed below my expectations in the Portland convention gardens. Too bad, I even had a special name reserved. But then again, my commitment to quality won out …. as it should!
Sales for TUJUANA TAXI and WHY COWS GOSSIP will resume on 4-1-2016. Everything else can be ordered at any time.
12-22-2015 Our 4 years of EXTREME drought my have ended with a 4 inch rainfall received yesterday. Sure hope so. What have I learned?
During the rain-sparse winter of 2014-2015, the moisture level never penetrated any deeper than about 6 inches. Below that, it was dust! The only iris that I watered for the past 4 years of drought were new seedlings. Established clumps of all categories of bearded iris were NEVER watered. Yet the only negative that I noticed was somewhat smaller rhizomes and fewer “takes” while hybridizing.
What was done to preserve moisture? Two things. Established iris clumps are heavily mulched right up to base of the plants except when it is pulled back from February to late May …. the rot prone period. Second, I keep the iris field free of moisture robbing weeds. Conclusion? I’m quite sure that iris are FAR more drought tolerant than almost everyone currently believes!
11-13-2015 The two important numbers for this year are 131 and 1711.
131 is the number of different, successful crosses that I ended up with this year. Heaven knows how many I actually attempted, but didn’t “take”. I doubt if one-in-four of my attempts results in seed. But then again, I always attempt wide, wild crosses that are more prone to failure because I’m only looking for flowers that are representative of Iris From The Future. It took the better part of two days to plant the 2015 seed and left-over seed from 2014 when germination did not succeed. The percent that actually make it through germination is always a coin toss.
1711 is the number of different crosses that have produced seed over the years. The number is actually larger, but I didn’t keep records from the earliest years. I’m extremely critical, so the result of all this work will only result in two TB intro’s for 2016. Both are outstanding! You have to kiss a lot of frogs to find a princess or two. Because of my love for iris, I never find myself growing weary of the hybridizing challenge.
9-18-2015 I contend that there are 3 classifications of gardeners, and 2 of them are un-happy.
The first classification is the beginner. They have discovered gardening but are un-happy because they still don’t have “enough”. The second classification has the perfect balance between space for their plants and time to take care of them. They have reached “the happy medium.” The third classification has over-expanded to a point of now having too much to do and not enough time to do it. The way that most people cope with this it to just give up. But that doesn’t have to be the outcome.
The solution? DOWNSIZE or as my wife prefers, RIGHTSIZE until your garden is once again both manageable and fun.
8-26-2015 As a recent attendee and contributing hybridizer to the latest AIS convention held in Portland, I think I can make a couple of observations.
It’s very obvious that it takes a well-organized army of competent people to put on one of these stellar events. At every turn and everywhere you look, there seems to be someone performing an official function or attending to some important detail that contributes to the overall success of the event.
Actually if the truth be told, I think that the hybridizers are a bit too overrated at these events while “the silent army” is vastly underrated and under appreciated …. But not by me. It’s not possible to individually thank everyone of you for your contributions. So, I too-simple “THANK YOU” from myself will have to do.
8-1-2015 LAST CALL! It’s still not too late to order. Orders will be accepted until August 15th. NO WAITING. Orders will be immediately shipped.
7-26-2015 They’re reblooming, but why? Perhaps 10% of my iris started blooming 3 weeks earlier than normal, and just kept on blooming and blooming! None of the “peculiar ones” are listed as RE, nor have they done this in the past.
Two possibilities come to mind. We have been in EXTREME drought. So soil moisture could be a factor. Second, even though I live in Zone 7, we did not have a winter. Aside from 2 days last November and two days in March, it was a “shirtsleeve” non-winter.
My hunch is that the non-winter was responsible for the unusual, much-extended bloom cycle. I think it would be a mistake to think that this group are RE. If you experienced something similar, this was a false RE signal and should just be ignored.
6-18-2015 Our Portland results: Best “Out of Region”, SWANS IN FLIGHT, Siberian, 68 votes. First runner up, our TIJUANA TAXI, TB, 61 votes
Tie for second runner up: GOLDEN SNITCH TB and our WHY COWS GOSSIP TB
Best Seedling: First, ROYSTON RUBIES TB 36 votes. Second place, tie, w/22 votes each, RUBICON Species X & our yellow & orange, line & speckle seedling #0439 (Which will be named and introduced in 2016). We were tickled to have 3 in this elite group.